Tally shortcut keys

ERP 9 Tally Shortcut Keys List In PDF Format 

In this post, we have discussed Tally ERP 9 Shortcut Keys List with their functions and uses. You can also  easily download the tally shortcut keys list in pdf format from the given link below. 

The Tally ERP 9 is a user-friendly and very useful accounting software It is very reasonable as compared to  other accounting software. Tally has built-in features such as shortcut keys. As a tally operator, you must  have to know these shortcut keys to complete accounting work in less time. With the help of tally shortcut  keys, you can navigate to any screen in tally ERP 9. 

5 Very Useful Shortcut Keys In Tally 

1. F1: Select and Open Company 

2. F2: To Change Date 

3. F8: Select the Sales Voucher 

4. ESC: To Escape the Current Screen 

5. ALT+C: To Create a Master at Voucher Entry Screen 

Combination of Shortcut Keys In Tally Erp 9 

These are the most useful shortcut keys in tally EPR9 for navigation. You may have seen in the menu that  some of the letters are in a bold red colour. If you click the red letter, you will be taken to that menu. 

For example, to generate a GST report, the shortcut key combination is as follows: D > O > G from the GATEWAY OF TALLY, and you enter into the GST REPORT Menu. 

Voucher Type Shortcut Keys 

Voucher Type includes payment voucher, receipt voucher, purchase voucher, and sales voucher. You will  use the following keys to enter the required voucher entry screen in the tally ERP 9.0. You don't need to  click the tab to reach the designated voucher. For example, You should keep holding the CTRL key and F1  key at the same time to enter the payroll voucher. 

You can use CTRL + F (function) keys from the Accounting or Inventory voucher Screen. 

1. CTRL + F1: To enter the payroll voucher 

2. CTRL + F2: This key selects Sales Order Voucher 

3. CTRL + F4: To select Purchase Order Voucher 

4. CTRL + F8: Go to the Credit Note voucher screen 

5. CTRL + F9: To go on Debit Note Voucher Screen 

6. CTRL + F10: To select Memorandum Voucher 

7. F1: To open and select the company 

8. F2: Change Date 

9. F4: Is used to select Contra Voucher 

10. F5: Used to select Payments Voucher 

11. F6: Used to select Receipts Voucher 

12. F7: Used to select Journal Voucher

13. F8: Used to select Sales Voucher 

14. F9: Used to select Purchase Voucher 

15. F11: Tally Configuration Setting 

16. F12: Configure Tally setups for the Generating vouchers, Printing, Licensing, etc. 17. ALT + J: To select Job work out order voucher 

18. ALT + W: Job Work Receipt Voucher 

Shortcut Keys At Tally Voucher Screen 

You can use these shortcuts on the voucher screen. These shortcut keys will make your data entry  work easy and fast. Here's a list of the shortcuts. 

ESC: You can use the Escape key to delete the typed field during the voucher entry. ESC shortcut key is also  used to quit the current screen. ESC (Escape) is the first key on your keyboard. The ESC key is a multi purpose key used in the tally ERP 9.0. 

1. ALT + D: To delete selected Master / Voucher 

2. ALT + C: Creates a New Master 

3. ALT + X: Cancel the Existing Voucher 

4. ALT + I: Used to Insert New Voucher 

5. ALT + 2: Make a Duplicate Voucher from the Selected Voucher 

6. CTRL + A: It is used to Save or Accept the Entry Quickly 

7. CTRL + V: Toggle between Invoice and Voucher mode 

8. CTRL + N: Calculator Opens 

9. CTRL + ALT + C: Copy the selected field 

10. CTRL + ALT + V: Paste the copied data field 

Shortcut Key to use at Report Screen of Tally ERP 9.0 

You can use these tally shortcut keys to generate the accounting reports in the tally software. You  may also use keys to export your vouchers and reports from the tally to the excel and pdf format. 

1. ALT + N: To view reports in the automatic column 

2. ALT + R: Hide/Remove the lines in the generated report 

3. ALT + P: To Print Report 

4. ALT + E: Export the report in PDF, ASCII, Excel, HTML, and XML format. 

5. ALT + F1: To View detail report 

Tally Shortcut Keys list Related to GST 

Tally ERP 9 is completely compatible with the most recent GST Compliance. Here are a few shortcuts for  handling GST via tally. 

1. CTRL + O: Opens the GST portal site 

2. CTRL + E: Export the GST Return you select 

3. CTRL + A: To view the accepted voucher as it is 

4. Alt + S: Opens Statutory payment Voucher 

5. Alt + J: To make Statutory adjustment in the voucher

Tally Shortcut Keys List Download in PDF Format 

Here is the list of tally shortcut keys in PDF format to download for free. You only have to click on the  Download button below to get access to see the tally shortcut key list in pdf. 

Tally Shortcut Keys FAQs 

What is the tally shortcut key? 

You can use tally shortcut keys to navigate the particular screen by pressing shortcut keys from the  keyboard. 

How to use shortcut keys in tally ERP 9? 

You can use the shortcut key by pressing a single key or with a combination of ALT/CTRL Key. 

How to enable shortcut keys in tally ERP 9.0? 

You don’t need to enable shortcut keys of the tally. Because Tally ERP 9.0 comes with all short cut keys  enabled. 

What is the use of the ALT+F1 key in Tally? 

The ALT+F1 key is used to Shut down the Open company. 

What is the use of the ALT+F2 key in Tally? 

The ALT+F2 key is used to change the financial period from the Gateway of Tally. 

We have discussed almost all important shortcut keys used in tally ERP 9.0 and also give you access to  download pdf tally shortcut keys. The list includes the most significant paste, copy, GST report, and  reconciliation keys. These are the simple and basic latest 2021 tally shortcut keys to make your inventory  and accounting work easy. 

some shortcut keys in pdf

click here to download

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